ATTENTION HOPES Patients: Northern Nevada HOPES clinics and pharmacies will be closed on Thursday, July 25, 2024 for our Annual Staff Summit.

 ATENCIÓN Pacientes de HOPES: Las clínicas y farmacias de Northern Nevada HOPES estarán cerradas el jueves 25 de julio de 2024 por nuestra Cumbre Anual del Personal.

Fun Training Ideas For This Year’s AIDS Walk/Run On August 16th

Have you thought about entering this year’s 5K AIDS Run, but just can’t get motivated to train? What if a pack of zombies was chasing you down the street – would you be a little more motivated?

Zombies, 5K Training Phone App features over 25 workouts during an 8 week time period to get you in shape and make running part of your fitness routine.

Developed by Julia Jones and Shauna Reid of Up and Running, the app is designed for beginning runners with detailed workout instructions, including stretching, jogging and running with a gradual increase combined with a “gripping” story.

“During 25 workouts, you’ll be trained to help find supplies and protect the town from the ever-encroaching horde of the shambling dead, in a story written by award-winning novelist Naomi Alderman. You’ll learn about the characters, and you’ll have a vital mission of your own to train for and complete. Once your training is complete, you’ll be in the perfect place to continue the story as the hero in “Zombies, Run!” –

If you’re already a runner, join the 750,000 players worldwide who train with Zombies, Run. Featuring interval training and 40 workouts, you can use the app for running on a trail, treadmill or just about anywhere. Make your training fun by creating custom playlists as the story unfolds with radio messages and voice recordings as you battle the zombie apocalypse!

The Walk
If running is not for you, but you would like to start walking more regularly and need extra motivation, check out “The Walk – Fitness Tracker and Game” phone app.

Instead of fleeing from zombies, you will be walking to save the world in this app sponsored by the NHS and United Kingdom’s Department of Health.

During 65 episodes and 800 minutes of audio, your task is to walk the length of the UK while evading capture by enemy agents, figuring out the mystery of who set off a bomb. The app takes into account different fitness levels, with the goal of walking 10,000 steps per day to improve your health. Use this app to keep track of your steps and push you to greater and more regular fitness.

Download Zombies, Run or The Walk

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