This year, we experienced our largest growth since 2016, and it is all because of you. When our patients thrive, our community thrives.
Thank you for being the reason lives are being saved and hope is a reality.
Because of YOU, 2024 was an explosive and revolutionary year for Northern Nevada HOPES!
We opened our doors to The Jerry Smith Community Wellness Center and served over 17,000 patients, while continuing to deliver the compassionate care HOPES is known for.
2024 HOPES Donors
None of this would be possible without you. Your continued belief in HOPES is shaping the lives of those we serve and strengthening our community. We truly thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.
- Washoe County Opioid Fund
- United Healthcare Health Plan of Nevada Medicaid
- Sandy Raffealli
- State of Nevada
- Dick Scheffel Family Charitable Foundation
- Gerald Patrick Trust
- The Molina Healthcare of Nevada
- The Six Talents Foundation
- SilverSummit Healthplan
- Nayeli and Andrew Fredericks
- Dr. Stephen and Lucia Missall
- The Nell J. Redfield Foundation
- A Friend of HOPES
- Bank of America Charitable Foundation
- Jane Fox and Family
- Hilltop Foundation
- Brian and Julee Rauschhuber
- K&K Grimm Family Foundation at the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada
- NV Energy
- The Peek Family Charitable Foundation
- Doug Brewer and Victoria Matica
- Susan Fisher and Steve Oldham
- West End Women's Medical Group
- The Brett and Deborah Barker Foundation
- Elevance Health
- Maureen Mullarkey-Miller and Steve Miller
- Raley's
- Ron and Susie Codd
- Wells Fargo Foundation
- Vans
- Direct Relief Network
- Dr. Trudy Larson and Ron Luschar
- Deborah and Kevin Reeth
- Estelle J. Kelsey Foundation
- First Independent Bank
- Hazel Bowen
- Nancy and Harvey Fennell
- Par and Jill Tolles
- Phil and Kristy Zive
- Susanne & Gloria Young Foundation
- The Lutz-Grzymski Family
- The Wynn Family Fund
- Thelma B. and Thomas P. Hart Foundation
- Penny McClary
- Rachel Rosemann
- Karren and Michael Smith
- Patrick D. Pettinari Family Foundation Fund at the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada
- Asphalt Protectors Inc.
- Terrance and Carol Dinneen
- Stord Fulfillment
- Jerome Edwards
- 1995 Tenney Family Trust
- City of Reno
- Heidi Loeb
- Kindred Church of Reno
- Laurel Trust Company
- Mary Jo Blue
- Sheila and Cort Christie
- The Save Mart Companies
- Robert and Kimberley McCart
- Cindy Carano
- Sharon and Gerry Morse
- Lifestyle Homes Foundation
- Washoe County Commissioners
- Glenda and Donald Mahin
- Lurieland Foundation Fund at the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada
- Mike and Cheryl Genin
- Walter Benoit
- Dr. Faith Whittier
- Earl and Pat Charles
- Greater Nevada Credit Union
- Valerie Cooke and Jamie Felten
- William Haw
- Dr. Jennifer Edwards
- Robert Harvey and Marie Norell
- Ray and Martha Chamberlain
- Nancy Podewils-Baba
- Cathy and Michael Mathews
- Charlotte and Dick* McConnell
- Donald Wilkerson
- Goettl Air Conditioning and Plumbing/Las Vegas Peach, LLC
- Kathy Oakes
- Mandi and Mathew Larsen
- Dr. Natalie and Alexander Vogel
- World Wings International, Inc.
- Vans 186
- Charles River Labs
- Lois Chanslor
- Amy Saathoff and Charlie Moberly
- Debbie DeVay
- Billie Lee Dunford-Jackson
- Karen Vibe and Karen Goody
- Amy and Brian Howard
- Donica Graham
- Kristy Lide
- Cynthia Bansen
- Pat Brackett-Wright and John Wright
- Sharon and Tiffany Chamberlain
- A.G. Burnett
- Chris and Brian Bosse
- Dr. Douglas Vacek
- Michael Padua
- Michael Tanzer
- Scott Wong
- Maricarol Rodgers
- William Scott
- David Redfern
- Steve and Patti Pederson
- Karin Hilgersom
- Christina and Keith Fegert
- Mary and Luke Ingvoldstad
- Annette and Andrew Rothman
- Calvin Iida
- Chimene Rosales
- Community Office Solutions
- Denise and Bill Kolton
- Dina Barry
- Douglas and Susan Hill
- Dr. Elizabeth Andal
- Elizabeth Rogers and Shane Abdunnur
- James Kenyon and Martha Baring
- Karen and Stephen Wiel
- KPS3
- Marlies and Russ Eldridge
- Maureen Sheeran
- Monica Houghton
- Mountain Mike's
- National Philanthropic Trust
- Prime Lending
- Sharon Boersma
- Susan Grobman
- Susan Mazer and Dallas Smith
- Trippen Entertainment
- Walmart Store #3254
- Washoe Pines Foundation
- Jeffrey Hanson
- Truckee Meadows Quilters
- Shari Dunn
- Dr. Kristen Davis-Coelho
- Tida Watkins
- Julie Gwin
- Allisa Rivara
- Ann Silver
- Arthur Johnson
- Julia Ratti and James Cavanaugh
- Michael Felts* and Tony Avila
- Sierra Nevada Tires
- Michael and Betsey Husted
- Richard Caviness
- Susan and Harvey Lee
- Jack Kelly
- William Rowley
- Duane Peck
- Jane and Gerald McDonald
- Karen Rehne
- Amy McCombs
- Jim Barcellos and Paul Devereux
- Wayne Irvine
- Valerie Hahn
- Connie Schuett
- Lisa Passalacqua
- Chelsea Doyle
- Abby Walsh
- David Spillers
- Jessie and Diane Spooner
- Katharine Dwyer
- Kendrick Taylor
- Leslie Hutcherson
- Meg Price
- Silver Dollar Court
- Stacey Rice
- Cheryl Latham
- Jazmine Aguirre
- Linda and Richard Rose
- Crystal Xu
- Addison Longley
- Susan and Saul Jimenez
- Alejandra Cardenas
- Danica Pierce
- Francis Fortin-Houle
- Michael Wood
- Thomas Brown
- Walter and Marilyn Johnson
- Emily Bennett
- Sanroc Inc
- Mary Levy
- Katherine Ault
- Craig Chapman
- A. Wayne and Robin Holland
- Amy Wilson and Jeff Taylor
- Ann Harrington and Gregory Griffin
- Bennet and Karen Wesner
- Carl Hagen
- Donald and Carolyn Cleveland
- Donna Clark
- The Emerson Cocktail Lounge
- Donna Hagerman
- Dr. Katrinka Kip
- Dr. Rachelle Rene
- George and Linda Burke
- Gino Borges and Helma Mueller
- Irene Babcock Drews
- James Nachiondo and William Hill
- Jeanne Brower
- Jeffrey and Katherine Jarboe
- Jim Anderson
- Joe Foley
- John and Jean Ferris
- Kathleen Conaboy and John Bardwell
- Lisa Pham
- Mark Kurtz
- Mary and Joseph Ingvoldstad
- Mary Ann Hartnett
- Owen and Marianne Gray
- Reno Corvette Club
- Sally* and Samuel* Males
- Sarah and Sherman Boxx
- Steve and Dionne Bloomfield
- Wayne Jauer
- Ursula and William Funk
- Dr. Kristen Nork
- Allen Johnson
- Megan Barrenchea
- Bruce and Christie Gescheider
- Ann Carlson and Lisa Ann Carlson-Marks
- Kayla Shannon
- Creighton Skau and Beth Kiehn
- Lydia Meyer
- Meredith Tanzer and YeVonne Allen
- Geeve Iverson
- Kaitlind Johnson
- Brooks and Diane Mancini
- Malynda and Jay Tushbant
- Vanessa Arias Martinez
- Maria Sandra Jimenez
- Betty Hulse
- Duke and Marion Vermazen
- Kerry Seymour and Michel Tissier
- Mark Taxer
- Mary Sherman
- Theresa Cooke
- Paulina Connelly
- Thomas Durante
- Thomas Kelly
- Kirk and Cathy White
- Tavern Craft
- Diana Borova
- Rebecca Tachihara
- Kieffer Farber
- Susan Stewart
- Robin Walker
- Melissa Veil
- Diana Ruiz-Gonzalez
- Diana Glomb Rogan
- James and Allyson Kreimer
- James Bernardi and Duane Dooley
- Jeff and Mary Shaffer
- Jeffrey and Patricia Millman
- Karen Massey
- Loretta Terlizzi
- Lynette Gardner
- Mary Hodson Nork
- William Glaser
- Joan Griswold
- Christopher Mixson
- Julie Morris
- Eyehook Gallery
- Janet and Chris Dewitt
- June Pulver
- Nicole Lamboley
- Kathlin Ray
- David Salinger
- Jennifer Farfan
- Marie Kresinske
- Amanda Prina
- Sara Groenendyke
- David Orlady
- Pryce Scott
- Jose Chinas and Angelica Reyes
- Maria Molina
- Jowdy and Tim Burke
- Bruce Robertson
- Beverley Blankus
- Cathy and Robert Gabrielli
- Charlotte Voitoff
- Deborah Halleran
- Ferino Distillery
- James Stewart
- Kristina and Donald Forrester
- Liana and Ethan Ris
- Matthew Brennan
- Meri Shadley
- Nevada Franchised Auto Dealers Association
- Paul Sevcsik
- Sally Sapunor
- Sara Mowery
- Steven White
- Andres Sanchez Herrera
- Jessica Bowden
- Kylie Soares
- Margarita Jimenez
- Maria Carrillo-Silva
- Black Rabbit Mead Company
- Kelsey Barlow
- Leah Sanders
- Timothy Bardsley
- Michael and Jacqueline Hillman
- Nettie Oliverio
- Ridgeline Apps
- Stewart Title Company of Northern Nevada
- Elizabeth Braman
- Russell Nash
- Benedict Kargbo
- Baillie Stewart
- Bernice Starr
- Carol and Robert Olmstead
- Denise and Randy Jacobsen
- Desert Rock Bars - The Polo
- Glenda Sanchez and Hugo Rivera
- Gloria Alanko
- Janette Berumen
- Melissa Eras
- Mona Issa-Marmolejo
- Neena and John Schroeder
- Pam and Mike Robinson
- Patrick Hickey
- Randall and Juliette Fletcher
- Sally Myers
- Tamara Baren
- Terence and Frances Terras
- William and Judy Metscher
- William Bolin and Ross Anderson
- Theresa Navarro
- Marcy Benner
- Grace Schoenfeld
- Sarah Peters
- Vicki LoSasso
- Margaret McCall
- Sureiby Lemus
- Blanca Martinez-Gutierrez
- Marietta and Gary Hunter
- Susan Peticolas
- Terri Schultz
- Christine Kratzer
- Kathy and Fred Jakolat
- Rosalind Bedell
- Linda and James Sorbi
- Margie McIntyre
- L.A. Reinhart
- Robin Nyberg
- Marsha Brannon
- Katelyn Baltazar
- Brianna Oki
- Grace Saathoff
- John and Kathy Tatro
- Lisa and Danny Selmi
- Sheila Freed
- Stephen Savage
- William and Carol Beth Isaeff
- Jerry Trigueros
- Kelsey Carver
- Jose Carlos Pena-Mencias
- Nathan Kline
- Thom Sabol
- Deborah Ribnick
- Skyler Dillon
- Ronald McFarlane
- Bobbi Joyce
- Julie and Jay Langman
- Connie Ewing
- Guadalupe Anguiano
- Laura Sharp
- Leann McElroy
- Marcela Fejer
- Monica Martinez
- Sherrilyn Elcano
- Teresita Espana-Jimenez
- Melissa Davis
- Joel Benavente
- Beth Shadle
- Bruce Lumbert
- Lori Watson
- Susan Fountain
- Tad and Carolyn Laird
- Charlie Holland
- Mary Popish
- Alicia Garijo House and Jim House
- Candace Evart
- Jaye Chasseur
- Julie Lingenfelter
- Laura Moore
- Myron and Julie Hallauer
- Ron Rasmussen
- Shannon Wonhof
- Victoria Stewart
- William Wright
- Ann Waldron
- Keith Wempke
- Sarah Hughes
- Tori King
- Dan Rider
- Diane Heaton
- Elisabeth Fleck
- Jerika Bernard
- Julie Kalisiak
- Kathryn Martin
- Lisa Taitel
- Mary Duffy
- Michael Richardson
- Anthony Linzey
- Dave Karraker
- Dylan Bowman
- Marlyn and Roger Scholl
- Suresh Kumar
- Teresa & Pascual Martinez
- Phillip and Petra Valenzuela
- Andrea Laue
- Barbara Feltner
- Christy Tews and Ronald Sutton
- CustomInk, LLC
- Cynthia and Thomas Hall
- Dale and Bonnie Koch
- Dale and Linda Sanderson
- David and Kathie Schankin
- Deborah and Stephen Salaber
- Deborah Strickland
- Devine Navigation
- Edward Lynn
- Elizabeth Zbinden
- Eric Odle
- George and Carole Hess
- Guadalupe Clark
- Harold Knight
- Jacquelyn Berrum
- James and Darley Jeppson
- James Hengels and Donald Gardner
- Janet Nelson
- Janice and James Hutton
- Jeanne Lituania and Michael Garaventa
- Jennifer Gamroth
- Johnny's Ristorante Italiano
- Karen Walker
- Kathleen Gauthier
- Kathryn Barkow
- Kathy Boyce
- Kim Jardine-Reiley
- Kim Nischik
- Kim Webster and Wesley Daniels
- Krystal Pyatt
- La Cucina Italian Eatery
- Leslie and Steve Pansky
- Lori Welsh
- Madelynn Linke
- Marcia Welch and Deborah Duck
- Margaret and James Wallace
- Mary Landsman
- Melanie Perish
- Michele Kiser Pearson and Steve Pearson
- Patty Dickens
- Paul and Anna Spangrud
- Paula and Kingston Wuiff
- Paula Davies
- Rebecca Anderson
- Rebecca Rosenberg
- Richard Adler
- Richard and Anne Schneckloth
- Rita Boyd
- Robert Peinemann and Gwynne Partos
- Roy Street
- Sharon Lufkin
- Sharon Scott and Keri Fisher
- Sharon Wilcox
- Stuart Skalka
- Susan Gallup
- Susan Scalzo
- Taylor and Michael Noyes
- William Gonzalez
- William Jordan
- William McPherson
- John Cole
- Glenn Dolezal
- Peter Nuetzel
- Travelling Triggers Pllc.
- Rachel Inglis
- Richard Walker, Jr.
- Nicholas Kearney and Jeff Auer
- Jennifer Long
- Michael Bogert
- Patty Hermanns
- Sarah Mersereau-Adler
- Noah Conway
- Stacia Wroblewski
- Barbara and Raymond Hudson
- Donna Olsen Satterfield
- Elizabeth Alvarez
- Greg Montalvo
- Karen and David Witherow
- Paul and Pamela DuPre
- Shelley Beckett
- Thomas Nichols
- Robert Gomberg
- Mary Anne Stilwill
- Viridiana Infante Castillo
- Efren Gomez
- Nancy and Charles Dodson
- Jennifer Smith
- Kristin Koetje
- Daniel Reynolds
- Gwen Taylor
- Jacob Ludel
- Julie Foster
- Michael Brazier and Joel Peixoto
- Sarah Chvilicek
- Susan and Phil Kaiser
- Janet Baker
- Lori Tange
- Amy Gerbus
- Daniel and Kathy Hannah
- Jenny White
- Linda Beatty
- Owen Frederick
- Louise Quintero
- Sue Dansie
- Ashleigh Marglin
- Jessica Pearce
- Margaret Raleigh
- Andrea and Steve Batie
- Bob Alessandrelli
- Denise Ruston
- Joyce Chambers
- Kathy and John Echols
- Alice and William Hampton
- Argenta Screens & Service
- Bernadine Standish
- Bonita and Pat Ragains
- Carey Corfield
- Carl and Dianne Wilfrid
- Christie Howard and David Shintani
- Deb Ballinger
- Diane Szaniszlo
- Dorinda and Robert Del Carlo
- Dr. David Fiore
- Dr. Vauna Pipal
- Fred Hahn
- George and Patsy Emery
- Gretchen Nelson
- Howard Bennett
- Janice and Patrick Deenihan
- John and Kathryn Stead
- Karin and Fred Gladding
- Linda and Thomas Hendrycks
- Lord of Mercy Lutheran Church
- Lynne Molini
- Marilynn and James Uhart
- Mary and David Kusiek
- Melissa Barclay
- Minette and Michael Wolz
- Norman Quigley
- Peggy and John Katsilometes
- Ron & Diana Curtis
- Sarah Avery
- Sherri Jones
- Steven and Nicki Humphrey
- Susan Toner
- Taylor Tomlinson
- Theresa Bell
- Tina Tyo
- Trudy Brussard
- Thomas Blotzke
- Emily Andrews
- Sally Kuch
- Julie Claire Powell
- Adriana Orozco
- Anessa Krejci
- George Baba
- Grace Thompson
- Joanne and Michael Bergamini
- Terri O'Bryan
- Todd Shultis
- Joan Baxter
- Douglas McMillan
- Kathleen Gorrall
- Samantha Jacinto
- Ivonee Martinez
- Melissa and Stephen Olsen
- Melodie and Edward Skudlarek
- Lisa Rax
- Suellen Fulstone
- Susan Lee
- Abel Huerta
- Desiree Sliter
- Heartfelt Painting
- Olivia Leigh
- Kristy Damian
- Mary Austin
- Alondra Gomez Mena
- Dani Doehring
- Genie Haines
- Laura Grotz
- Oscar Segura-Saldana
- Jose Luis Chavez
- Robin Renwick
- Sharon Ljungberg
- Betty Mayne
- Brian Conway and Stacey Abidi
- Charles and Lydia MacLeod
- Ellen and Robert Driscoll
- Gail Orris
- Gary and Debra Pomeranz
- Gimmie White and Judith Loughton-Shorrock
- Jean Mathwig
- Jennifer Hughes
- John Menicucci
- Judith and Tony Baker
- Kathleen Fralick
- Kelly Duncan
- Kumiko Harder
- Lisa and Michael Daines
- Mary Kessler
- Michael Benson
- Patricia and Thomas Fleming
- Rosalind Busey
- Ryan Grinnell
- Sue Ellen Hill
- Sydnie Walters
- Valeria Davis
- William and Lucy McGuire
- Jasmine Martinez
- Ann Penfield
- Leon Robles
- Andrew Riley
- Kimberly Colegrove
- Carol Stasiewicz
- Dr. James Wilson
- James P. Wilson
- Ken Tran
- Laurie Squartsoff
- Tracey Frandsen
- Harriette Treloar
- Rachael Kennedy
- Clarice Moore
- Jacqueline Weatherford
- Katherine Ferris
- Seth Tisue
- Beto Plascencia
- Brandon Ruby
- Elise Humphries
- Jim Eaglesmith
- Cinthia Gonzalez-Navarro
- Karla Avina Gonzalez
*denoted as deceased, RIP to friends of HOPES.