ATTENTION HOPES Patients: Northern Nevada HOPES will be closed Wednesday, January 1. We’ll resume normal business hours on Thursday, January 2 at 8 am.

ATENCIÓN Pacientes de HOPES: Northern Nevada HOPES estará cerrado el miércoles 1 de enero. Reanudaremos nuestro horario habitual el jueves 2 de enero a las 8 a.m.

HOPES’ Give OUT Parking Lot Dance Party!

Northern Nevada HOPES Invites Community to support LGBTQ+ Care at it’s Give OUT Day Parking Lot Dance Party

Northern Nevada HOPESGive Out & Dance Text with Two Man in Background is hosting a Parking Lot Dance Party to celebrate Give OUT Day, a month-long national fundraising campaign culminating on June 30, the only national day of giving for the LGBTQ+ community.

HOPES’ Parking Lot Dance Party will include food trucks thanks to the generosity of Health Plan of Nevada, surprise guests including Our Center’s LGBTQ+ Laws Installation and NV Energy, a photobooth, a spinning wheel with fun prizes and giveaways. The event will take place on June 30 at the HOPES Campus, 580 W. 5th Street, from 11 am – 2 pm. HOPES will also offer HIV and STI Testing from 3 pm to 6 pm on campus at Change Point.

“Members from our community have been hosting online fundraisers and donating to HOPES’ Give OUT Day campaign all June long,” said Mandi Larsen, chief development officer at Northern Nevada HOPES. “Our goal is to raise $50,000 for HOPES’ LGBTQ+ care and services, and thanks to a matching donation from Renown Health and the NV Energy Foundation, we’ve reached $14,000 toward our goal.”

Give OUT funds will go directly to the Dr. Barry Frank Family Fund which provides payment assistance to HOPES’ LGBTQ+ patients for services that are not typically provided at HOPES. These services include things like surgery support, legal assistance, voice coaching, cosmetic services and behavioral health support. Thanks to the generosity of Renown Health and the NV Energy Foundation, each donation will be matched up to $20,000.

“HOPES has a long history of being an advocate, resource and healthcare provider for the LGBTQ+ community and we’re grateful for all the support we’ve received so far which will enhance our existing services and programs,” said Larsen.

To start a fundraiser, donate and learn more about Give OUT Day, visit:

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