ATTENTION HOPES Patients: Northern Nevada HOPES clinics and pharmacies will be closed on Thursday, July 25, 2024 for our Annual Staff Summit.

 ATENCIÓN Pacientes de HOPES: Las clínicas y farmacias de Northern Nevada HOPES estarán cerradas el jueves 25 de julio de 2024 por nuestra Cumbre Anual del Personal.

Join the HOPES Team as our next Healthy Money Habits Coordinator

Liliana (Lili) came to HOPES in 2017 to build and manage the Healthy Money Habits Program.  The program is designed to help HOPES patients build financial wellness to improve health outcomes. The CDC recognizes several social determinants of health or factors that impact overall health, including financial stability as an indicator of overall health and wellness.  

Lili was drawn to HOPES with a similar vision, “To build a healthier community.”  She has always aimed to help her community thrive and be healthy. Public health is in her blood and she tries to help her community be healthier in anyway she can. She graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno with a Master of Public Health degree and a concentration in Epidemiology. (Don’t miss the concentration. . .it will be important later!) So, when she learned HOPES also had a mission to impact the community, it was a no-brainer – she had to apply!

Lili has many years of experience working in diverse areas of public health; from community health science, peer crisis counseling and program development to epidemiology. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Ecology and a Master of Public Health with the concentration in Epidemiology.  Epidemiology is the branch of medicine which deals with the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases and other factors relating to health. (Interesting times we are in for an Epidemiologist!) 

When she started her position as the Healthy Money Habits Program Coordinator, she trained to become a financial coach which was instrumental in delivering the services. Lili also completed a course in Project Management through UNR, which is very helpful for the program development piece. She credits her cumulative experience and education as a preparation to build the program with no pre-existing road map or best practices established.  “The ‘blank slate’ allowed for data driven service development to help our population address specific financial needs so they can begin the journey towards financial health.” Are you getting a picture of what a successful applicant might look like for this role?

So, why the opening?  Where’s Lili now?  Lili is following her heart in the role of an Epidemiologist with Washoe County and what a treasure trove of opportunity that presents as our county battles the COVID-19 outbreak. She has started her new position while still keeping the fires burning in Healthy Money Habits at HOPES. She loves her role and the camaraderie among staff and the professional opportunity.  The dream role of Epidemiologist is the ultimate way she can contribute to her community in a big way at a very important time. Although HOPES hates to see Lili go, we get it. We’re appreciative that she continues to be involved with the program and will provide training to the new program coordinator.

Lili believes her role contributes to HOPES’ mission by addressing an area often overlooked as a contributor to overall health – financial health. “There is a well-documented connection between health and finances, also known as the health-wealth connection. Offering a program that addresses this social determinant of health fits in nicely with HOPES’ approach to healthcare. We not only address health at a medical level, but also holistically by addressing social determinants of health such as finances. My program reminds patients, staff and all our friends and community partners that financial health is part of overall health.” Liliana, we are proud of your accomplishments at HOPES and in our community. We wish you the best and look forward to seeing all the great things you will do.  And, we welcome the next Healthy Money Habits, Financial Empowerment Coach.  Take a look at the recruitment and apply here.

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