ATTENTION HOPES Patients: Northern Nevada HOPES clinics and pharmacies will be closed on Thursday, July 25, 2024 for our Annual Staff Summit.

 ATENCIÓN Pacientes de HOPES: Las clínicas y farmacias de Northern Nevada HOPES estarán cerradas el jueves 25 de julio de 2024 por nuestra Cumbre Anual del Personal.

National Women Physicians Day

February 3 is annually celebrated as National Women Physicians Day and marks the birthday of Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman to receive a medical degree in the United States in 1849.  

At Northern Nevada HOPES, we are fortunate to have some amazing women physicians like Dr. Goswami, our psychiatrist.

Dr. Goswami came to HOPES by way of her husband, a pharmacist at HOPES.  She heard some great things about HOPES and aligned with the work we do and the populations we serve. She believes HOPES has given her schedule flexibility and has helped her maintain a manageable workload.  She is an out-of-the-box thinker and ensures her care is both kind and helpful. 

We asked Dr. Goswami  what challenges she has encountered in the medical field.  She expressed she hasn’t really experienced any challenges specific to being a female in the field, and that her practices in both India and the U.S. have been excellent experiences. She believes that women have the upper hand because patients feel less vulnerable and are more open with a female physician. 

Advice for women entering the medical field?  “You have a great time ahead!” Dr. Goswami encourages women to realize they do have an advantage and to adopt the mindset that they are no less capable because they are female. 

Thanks Dr. Goswami for all you do!

If you are a Psychiatrist or Psychiatric Advanced Practice Clinician and would like to partner with Dr. Goswami and HOPES to change lives, please consider applying for the open positions listed on our careers page, including a Board Certified Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and a Psychiatric Advance Practice Clinician.

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