ATTENTION HOPES Patients: Northern Nevada HOPES clinics and pharmacies will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20, 2025. Regular operational hours will continue Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025, at 8 am. As a reminder, get your prescriptions from our pharmacy before 5 pm on Friday. 

ATENCIÓN Pacientes de HOPES: Las clínicas y farmacias de Northern Nevada HOPES estarán cerradas el lunes 20 de enero de 2025, en conmemoración del Día de Martin Luther King Jr. El horario habitual se reanudará el martes 21 de enero de 2025 a las 8 am. Como recordatorio, obtenga sus recetas en nuestra farmacia antes de las 5:00 pm del viernes. 

Patient Satisfaction Survey

We at Northern Nevada HOPES care about our patients, so we use an annual Patient Satisfaction Survey to make sure we are doing a good job serving them.

We surveyed more than 1,000 patients to see if they are happy with our front office staff, satisfied with our services and if they feel like their medical providers are listening to them. The survey not only collected information about the demographics of our patient population, but it also got a sense of some of the barriers our patients still face to get care, and what other services we can offer them.

Overall, the data suggests that patients report they are happy with the services they receive here at HOPES. When asked “All of my providers at HOPES work as a team to give me the best care possible” 68% of patients who took the survey strongly agree with that statement and 29% agreed with that statement, while only 2% disagreed and 1% strongly disagreed. Then, 74% of respondents strongly agree and 24% agree that the “front office and intake staff are friendly and welcoming to me during my check-in/out and wait time.”

The survey also shows that HOPES patients feel like they can trust providers and staff. When asked “I felt comfortable sharing my feelings with my behavioral health providers during our sessions or groups,” 61% strongly agree with that statement and 35% agreed. When asked “I am able to talk to Case Management when needed,” 58% strongly agreed with that statement and 37% agreed with that statement.

The survey also highlighted additional barriers that patients face when trying to access care here at HOPES. About 18% (163 people) of responses cited transportation as a barrier to making it to appointments. Then, 13% (122 people) said their work/school schedule was a barrier to care. HOPES is already looking for an additional drive to help transport patients from their homes to appontments. We are also looking at additional strategies to work around patients’ schedules to make it more convenient for them to get care.

We were also able to find out what additional services patients would like to see here at HOPES. The top three requested service is dental care, followed by vision services and then OBGYN services. Though we may not be able to offer these services right away, this information helps us plan for the future.

We have created a power point presentation with the data we got from the survey and posted in a gallery below. Browse it to see the demographics of HOPES’ patient population, what and how patients access services at HOPES, along with the complete satisfaction survey results.

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